Love can be confusing, and sometimes, it’s hard to tell if a man truly loves you or if he’s just keeping you around for convenience. While some relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, others can leave you feeling unappreciated and emotionally drained.
If you’re questioning your partner’s intentions, here are six undeniable signs he loves you—and six warning signs that he’s only using you.
1. He Stares at You With Admiration vs. He Doesn’t Make You Feel Special

A man who truly loves you can’t stop looking at you—not just when you’re dressed up for a date, but even in your natural moments. Whether you’re cooking, laughing, or just sitting next to him, he watches you with admiration.
However, if he doesn’t make you feel special, doesn’t give you compliments, or treats you like just another person in his life, then he may not be emotionally invested. Real love makes you feel valued, not overlooked.
5 Sure Signs He’s In Love With You | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs
2. He Accepts Your Past vs. He Constantly Makes You Feel Guilty
Everyone has a past, and a man who loves you won’t hold it against you. He embraces your story and stands by your side, knowing that the past is a part of what shaped you.
On the other hand, if he constantly makes you feel guilty, reminds you of past mistakes, or criticizes your choices to control you, it’s a sign of emotional manipulation. A real partner helps you grow, rather than using your past against you.

3. He Adjusts His Actions for You vs. He Disappears on You
A loving partner will consider how his actions affect you and make an effort to avoid things that hurt or upset you. He listens to your concerns and makes positive changes.
But if he’s constantly disappearing, ignoring your messages, canceling plans at the last minute, or only showing up when it’s convenient for him, he doesn’t value your time or emotional well-being. Someone who truly cares will always make time for you.

4. He Notices the Little Things vs. He Refuses to Compromise
A man in love remembers small details—your favorite dessert, the way you like your coffee, or how you get nervous before a big meeting. These little things show that he listens and genuinely cares.
However, if he refuses to compromise and always expects things to go his way, he’s showing that he values his own needs over the relationship. A healthy relationship requires effort from both partners, not just one.

5. He Opens Up to You vs. He Emotionally Manipulates You
Men don’t easily open up about their emotions, so if he’s sharing his deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams with you, it’s a sign of trust and love. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable around you.
But if he manipulates your emotions, plays mind games, or makes you feel guilty for standing up for yourself, that’s a major red flag. A real relationship is built on trust and honesty—not control and emotional pressure.

6. He Talks Through Problems vs. He Causes Drama and Silent Treatment
Every couple faces challenges, but a man who loves you will work through problems with you. He’s willing to talk things out, apologize when necessary, and find solutions together.

On the other hand, if he provokes unnecessary drama, humiliates you in front of others, or gives you the silent treatment, he’s using toxic tactics to control the relationship. Love isn’t about winning fights—it’s about understanding and compromise.
6 Signs Your Partner Is Using You
A man who truly loves you will prioritize your happiness, respect your feelings, and make you feel valued. If you find yourself constantly doubting his love or feeling unappreciated, take a step back and reassess the relationship.
True love is consistent, supportive, and uplifting—it should never leave you questioning your worth. If he’s not making you feel cherished, maybe it’s time to find someone who will.