9 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Could Rival Any Stand-Up Comedy Show

Parents are known for their wisdom, love, and… unintentional comedy. Whether they’re trying to be tech-savvy, laying down some classic mom and dad sarcasm, or just misinterpreting emojis, their texts are often pure gold.

Here are nine of the funniest parent texts that prove they might just be funnier than professional comedians.

1. The “Tech-Savvy” Parent Who Needs a Manual

“Mom, did you get my message?”

“Yes, but I couldn’t read it because my phone was on silent.”

It’s 2025, and some parents still believe that silent mode means they can’t see the screen. Someone get them a user manual—oh wait, they probably wouldn’t read it anyway.



2. When Autocorrect Becomes the Enemy

“Dad, can you pick me up at 7?”

“Sure, I’ll be there at 7.”

Three hours later…

“Dad, where are you?!”

“I thought you said 11. Stupid autocorrect.”

Sure, Dad. Let’s blame autocorrect. Again.

3. The Classic Parent Guilt Trip

“Hey Mom, I can’t come for dinner tonight. Gotta work late.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I’ll just sit here alone, staring at the wall, remembering the days when my child actually loved me.”

Ten points for emotional manipulation. And a standing ovation for that Oscar-worthy guilt trip.

4. Mom’s Attempt at Internet Lingo

“Hey Mom, did you like the video I sent you?”

“Yes! LOL.”

“Mom, you know LOL means laughing out loud, right?”

“Oh. I thought it meant Lots of Love. I sent that to Aunt Susan after her surgery.”

Oh no. Poor Aunt Susan.

5. Dad, The Unofficial Weather Reporter

“Hey Dad, what’s the weather like over there?”

“Look outside.”

“Dad, I’m three states away.”

“Still looks like weather to me.”

Dads: the kings of vague and totally unhelpful advice.

6. The Overly Literal Parent

“Mom, I lost my phone!”

“Text me when you find it.”

Because nothing says “let me help you” like impossible instructions.

7. When Your Parents Discover Memes

“Mom, please stop sending me those Minion memes.”

“But they make me LOL!”

“Mom, you don’t even know who the Minions are.”

“I do too! They’re those yellow potatoes from Disney.”

Close enough, Mom. Close enough.

8. The Mysterious One-Liner That Leaves You Confused

“Your father and I have something to tell you.”

“What is it???”

“We’ll tell you when you get here.”

So now I have to live in suspense for hours? Is it a surprise vacation? A long-lost sibling? Did you sell the house? Why do parents do this?!

9. The Savage Clapback

“Dad, can you send me some money?”

“You got money for Starbucks, you got money for rent.”

Game. Set. Match. Dad wins.


Funny Texts Between Parents and Kids 👩‍👩‍👦

No matter how much time passes, parents never fail to bring humor into our lives—whether intentionally or completely by accident. If your parents have ever sent you a text so funny that it could be part of a stand-up routine, consider yourself lucky.

And if they haven’t? Just wait. They will.

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